In the naturalization process, the interested person must prove their ability to communicate in Portuguese, considering their conditions, through one of the following documents:
I - Certificate of:
a) proficiency in Portuguese for foreigners obtained through the Celpe-Bras exam, carried out by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP);
b) completion of a higher education or postgraduate course, taken at a Brazilian educational institution, accredited by the Ministry of Education;
In these situations, diplomas or documents equivalent to the completion of the aforementioned courses that have been completed in an educational institution in Portuguese-speaking countries will be accepted, as long as they are legalized in Brazil, in accordance with current legislation. In these situations, the courses mentioned may be carried out remotely, as long as they are approved by the Ministry of Education. |
c) passing the Bar Exam, carried out by the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB); or
d) successful completion of a Portuguese language course aimed at immigrants held at a higher education institution accredited by the Ministry of Education;
In these situations, the course referred to may be carried out remotely, provided that the student, previously identified, is subjected to at least one face-to-face assessment at the responsible establishment or, in the case of student domiciled in a location other than the main office, in a higher education institution affiliated with them and also accredited by the Ministry of Education. The course completion certificate must be accompanied by the academic record and the syllabus of the training carried out. |
II - Proof of completion of primary or secondary education through the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (ENCCEJA);
III - Appointment to the position of professor, technician or scientist resulting from approval in a competition promoted by a Brazilian public university;
IV - Academic record or equivalent document proving completion of an elementary, secondary or supplementary education course, taken at a Brazilian educational institution, recognized by the competent Department of Education; or
In these situations, diplomas or documents equivalent to the completion of the aforementioned courses that have been completed in an educational institution in Portuguese-speaking countries will be accepted, as long as they are legalized in Brazil, in accordance with current legislation. In these situations, the courses mentioned may be carried out remotely, as long as they are approved by the Ministry of Education. |